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Showing posts from September, 2013

Out of my Comfort Zone in Istanbul, Turkey

"Life Begins at the End of your Comfort Zone" Let's start from the beginning, or at least my last blog post :)  After we were engaged life seemed to take off...I was in straight planning mode.  Not only was I planning a wedding, but also working full time and trying to understand Physics II.  My siblings and I all finished exams around the same time and our sleep deprived and caffeine intoxicated bodies were ready to celebrate, ready for "The Best Christmas Present Ever" (read previous post from December 2012). After months of anxiously awaiting, May 20th had finally arrived and we were on our way to one of the best three weeks of our life and we had no idea what to expect.  A learning and bonding experience of a lifetime!! We were off to Turkey, Israel, and Italy! First stop: Istanbul, TURKEY  I remember I was sitting in the front seat, just taking it all in.  I couldn't read the road signs, I couldn't understand the music that was on the radio