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Showing posts from September, 2018

The Surprise of a Lifetime

Ainsley's Birth 8.25.2018 I absolutely HATE surprises.  They aren't my thing.  I am a planner and I find comfort and excitement in knowing what lies ahead.  This causes some contention in my marriage because my husband LOVES surprises.  I read the last chapter of a book before the first, I enjoy knowing what my birthday gifts are weeks in advance and I always have to look at the menu and know what I am ordering before I walk into a restaurant.  He has often tried to plan "surprises" and it always ends in an argument.  I need to plan when I'm going to straighten my hair, I need to pick out an outfit, I need to eat salads for two days so I can pig out at dinner.  I need to plan these things and the older I get the less spontaneous I am. My surprise-loving husband had brought up waiting until delivery to find out the gender of our second child.  I honestly did not care either way whether we had another son or a daughter, so I pondered the thought.  He did not tak