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The Surprise of a Lifetime

Ainsley's Birth 8.25.2018

I absolutely HATE surprises.  They aren't my thing.  I am a planner and I find comfort and excitement in knowing what lies ahead.  This causes some contention in my marriage because my husband LOVES surprises.  I read the last chapter of a book before the first, I enjoy knowing what my birthday gifts are weeks in advance and I always have to look at the menu and know what I am ordering before I walk into a restaurant.  He has often tried to plan "surprises" and it always ends in an argument.  I need to plan when I'm going to straighten my hair, I need to pick out an outfit, I need to eat salads for two days so I can pig out at dinner.  I need to plan these things and the older I get the less spontaneous I am.

My surprise-loving husband had brought up waiting until delivery to find out the gender of our second child.  I honestly did not care either way whether we had another son or a daughter, so I pondered the thought.  He did not take me seriously, my family & friends didn't take me seriously, and honestly I did not take myself seriously when I said that I could wait 9 months to find out.  I still can't believe that I waited that long and I am actually proud of myself!!

I had a wonderful pregnancy, although a little tougher than my first, it was still relatively easy and enjoyable.  I had the exact same symptoms as I did with my first just stronger and more intense this time around.  The only difference this time was that I had really bad breakouts on my face as opposed to glowing skin and the baby's movement was also more aggressive this time around and actually painful at times.  I just figured this baby was bigger and we were both 99.9% sure it was a boy since I had similar pregnancies!
The Friday before my due date (Monday, August 27, 2018) I decided to take the day off.  I enjoyed spending time with my son in the morning followed by some alone time with a manicure, an expensive coffee and lunch at The Fearrington Village.
Pullen Park and spending some quality time with my first born
Alone time <3
That afternoon I had an appointment in which I was 4 cm dilated already! The NP recommended she strip my membranes and notified me that I would most likely go into labor within 48 hours.  We made arrangements for my son and enjoyed a date night at our favorite burger joint, Bad Daddy's.  There was definitely no counting calories in preparation for possible labor; I crushed my entire burger, tater tots, 3 ramekins of ranch, and a PB & J milkshake!
 Date night, the eve of Ainsley's arrival (and yes I went to dinner in those shorts)
Fueling up for labor!
Around 4 am I started having contractions and at 6 am I woke up my husband to notify him.  We decided to drive to Chik-fil-a for breakfast, which is right by the hospital as I was afraid of not making it to the hospital in time!  I labored for about an hour in the parking lot while enjoying my chicken biscuit in between contractions.  Around 8:30 am my contractions were intensifying and we decided to head to the hospital in which I was admitted at 5 cm.
 So excited to be admitted!
Ainsley or Henry?
Around 10:30 am and 7 cm I received the epidural and at 1:00 pm my mom arrived from DC and my water broke on it's own.  I started pushing around 2:15 pm and at 2:38 pm our beautiful baby girl entered the world!!!  She weighed 7 pounds 3 ounces and measured 20.5 inches long.  They placed her on my chest and from the angle I was at, the umbilical cord was between her legs so I actually thought she was a boy at first.  Talk about a whirlwind of emotions and confusion when I realized she was a GIRL!  We named her Ainsley Catherine Walters and we are both still in shock that SHE was a SHE this whole time!! The surprise of a lifetime for sure!
The look of exhaustion + confusion
 So glad she is finally here!
Holden meeting his little sister for the first time
HOME from the hospital and excited to start this journey as a family of FOUR :)

We are all thrilled that she is finally here and are adjusting very well, especially big brother!  Thank you to our families and friends for helping with Holden, providing a freezer full of dinners, visiting and providing us with some socialization.  We are so appreciative of your support during this time and could not do this without you!

I am proud of myself for holding up my end of the deal and waiting until birth to find out the gender of our child.  The agreement that we had if I waited was that if it was a girl, I would have free reigns on purchasing clothes and new things for the nursery so that has definitely been fun.  I've actually always envisioned myself as a mom of 3 boys, so I am still in shock 3 weeks later.  We are truly blessed and I am learning all about bows and bloomers, starting to look forward to tea parties, pedicures, and teaching my daughter all about how to be a dynamite shortstop ;)


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