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Showing posts from February, 2020

Bourbon Street, You Win

Go to New Orleans, Louisiana  I have always wanted to go to New Orleans and when a good friend of mine decided to celebrate her bachelorette party there, I could not pass up the opportunity! I envisioned New Orleans being a lot like Nashville; good food, lively atmosphere with live Jazz music in all the bars. Spoiler alert: it was nothing like Nashville. I lived with Natasha and my best friend from high school, Brittany, for 6 weeks when I was interning at a hospital in Wilmington, NC, and we became close.  She has always been so kind and genuine, one of the most selfless and fun people I have ever met.  I knew about half of the girls on the trip, they have always been so warm and welcoming to me since I met them in college and they continue to include me in group chats, fun times together without having an abundance of inside jokes or situations that make you feel left out of a group.  I just love each one of them and their different personalities that they each bring to the tabl