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Showing posts from August, 2016

Love at First Sight

May 26, 2016 This has been my favorite "accomplishment" yet.  I have always wanted to be a mother and couldn't wait until the day we were ready to start a family! Even though I have always looked forward to being a mother, I never wanted to be pregnant. It just didn't sound appealing, more like "dues" you had to put in.  No alcohol, gaining weight, not sleeping on your stomach, being exhausted, and not eating certain foods just sounded like 9 months of misery.  Turns out, I absolutely loved every minute of my pregnancy! It was such a neat experience, I had an easy and wonderful pregnancy with no complications.  To be honest, I felt completely normal except when I would look in the mirror or try to put on my normal clothes. What a miracle that something so delicate and complex was formed inside of me in just 9 short months!  God is so good.  First glimpse of our little nugget and we were able to see the heartbeat!  We loved sharing our news wi