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Embrace the Change

I was skiing at Snowshoe Mountain Resort in West Virginia; it was a calm day and a relaxing run down the mountain on a easy/green slope and I could hear nothing but my own breath.  I had plenty of time to think and I kept pondering why all of a sudden I was so fearful of going down a Black Diamond run.  It was in this moment that I realized my priorities have shifted so much since becoming a mom and it dawned on me that I am a totally different person than I was before. with Kenny Walters, Tyler and Rebecca Foss, Bryan and Holly Pendergraft "You just wait, life will never be the same." You hear it over and over when you're pregnant but you really cannot grasp the magnitude until you experience it.  I have learned more about myself and life since becoming a mother than I ever thought was possible and I continue to learn a different lesson every single day. I was prepared for the lack of sleep, money, and time for myself but I wasn't prepared for the identity cri

The Surprise of a Lifetime

Ainsley's Birth 8.25.2018 I absolutely HATE surprises.  They aren't my thing.  I am a planner and I find comfort and excitement in knowing what lies ahead.  This causes some contention in my marriage because my husband LOVES surprises.  I read the last chapter of a book before the first, I enjoy knowing what my birthday gifts are weeks in advance and I always have to look at the menu and know what I am ordering before I walk into a restaurant.  He has often tried to plan "surprises" and it always ends in an argument.  I need to plan when I'm going to straighten my hair, I need to pick out an outfit, I need to eat salads for two days so I can pig out at dinner.  I need to plan these things and the older I get the less spontaneous I am. My surprise-loving husband had brought up waiting until delivery to find out the gender of our second child.  I honestly did not care either way whether we had another son or a daughter, so I pondered the thought.  He did not tak

Take Time for Yourself

Stay at a hotel by myself Everyone has their opinion on consecutive baby showers.  My personal opinion is if you want another baby shower, go for it!  I feel like big life events (is there a more grand event than a new baby? nope...) should be celebrated, doesn't matter if its your first child or fifth. I am a fan of celebrating anything really; a promotion, the end to a long week, the beginning of summer.  Life is meant to be celebrated and I enjoy finding any excuse to celebrate so you better believe I wanted to do the same with Baby #2! Although I wanted to celebrate in some sort of way, I also don't need anything and I didn't want friends to feel obligated to purchase a gift.  I decided that for my birthday (about 6 weeks before my due date) that I wanted to get a hotel room all to myself for a night.  I know it sounds crazy, but I have never stayed at a hotel by myself and it is something that I have always wanted to do.  I decided to have a little shower/birthday c

Fun at Fenway

Visit Fenway Park 10 Stadiums down, 20 more to go! I am 1/3 the way done with my goal of visiting all the MLB Stadiums in the country. I've always wanted to go to Fenway Park! For any baseball fan, it is usually on the top of the list with Wrigley Field. Five years ago, we got engaged on a trip to Boston.  It was in February so we obviously couldn't see a game but we did check out The Bleacher Bar which is field level and located in center field, outside of the stadium but with a good view of the ballpark.  We had to check it out again, especially since we were with our son this time.  It was packed and we didn't even get a drink, but definitely still worth checking out! My first impression was that I could not get over how small the stadium was!  We were packed like sardines and I immediately realized why our tickets seemed so cheap, there was a large pole blocking our view of the pitcher.  I had read about these poles but didn't even think about them wh