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Showing posts from June, 2016

The Land of Fire and Ice

Reykjavik, ICELAND 2.19.16-2.22.16 Witness The Northern Lights Mud Bath in the Blue Lagoon ba·by·moon ˈbābēˌmo͞on/ noun informal noun:  babymoon ; plural noun:  babymoons ; noun:  baby-moon ; plural noun:  baby-moons a relaxing or romantic vacation taken by parents-to-be before their baby is born. "on the eve of my third trimester, we boarded a plane for a week-long babymoon among the quiet canals of Amsterdam"  It's a fairly new idea, and while a lot of people think it's dumb, I happen to be a big fan of a "babymoon."  You don't have to go anywhere fancy, but I think it's smart to take a small getaway and spend some quality time together before your life changes forever.  Relaxing breakfast, small talk, hand holding, staying up late, sleeping in, uninterrupted showers, non-kid friendly dinners, all of which are hard to come by once children come into the equation. My husband really wanted to go somewhere warm a